Friday, July 2, 2010

WoW *Tip* Team: Big Gold in Low Level Instances

Hey guys, today's fact is pretty well known but very underused.

In Orgrimmar there is an instance called RageFire Chasm
In Stormwind there is an instance called The Stockade

Stockade drops crazy amounts of Wool Cloth and a bunch of greens
RFC drops tons of linen and greens.

This cloth is def worth a few gold and many of the low level greens sell really well (people buy them for there altc etc.)

if you are good you can make arround 100g a run. comes out to about 600g an hour

This is great if your waiting to que for a BG or waiting for a raid to start.

1 comment:

  1. i need some tips about fast lveing for a level (30)+. if you got any good ones availible please email me at

    p.s i did not find your email adress to contact you about your wow guide.
