So we all know cataclysm is right around the corner. My suggestion to you is this:
So everyone and there mom is going to create a new chair that is a worgen or a goblin. These chairs need to level there professions and in today's post were going to talk about first aid.
I heard rumor that first aid will now offer HoT's (Heal over TIme) which means everyone will want to level there first aid.
So some of you may know the death knight class starts off with first aid leveled to 225, But it is unknown at what skill level the wargen and goblin will start at.
So those of you who hold on to your linnen till Cata it may not see a gold increase because if the wargen and goblin races do start off with first aid leveled past 50 (or the max for linnen) you will not make anywhere near as much gold.
So todays gold tip is this.
When at the auction house just check on Nether-weave cloth it is very cheep at times and can even be sold for 2g a stack. So get your cheep netherweave when you see it and hold on till cata.
Im prodicting a rise in prices which can make you some gold
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